Horse racing

A set amount of horses participate in each race. Every horse owner can participate in a hippodrome race for a set fee. The hippodrome selects its participants by pre-set parameters. The winning horse collects % of all participant fees and additional prizes.

The races are based on RNG technology, therefore some randomness is expected in the race outcome. The speed, stamina and reaction time parameters also play a big role - it influences the win but does not guarantee it.

Each speed parameter point gives a chance to win diluted by the total amount of participants’ speed sum. The RNG algorithm is widely used in video games, statistical sampling, computer simulation, cryptography, etc.

The player selects the race to participate in from the upcoming races section. Players can filter upcoming races by date, game rules, entry fee, player quantity, hosting hippodrome, and winning pool.

The player pays a participation fee. After the race, the winner is announced and zkRace coins are allocated to the winners’ account. After the race, the horse racing cool-down begins.

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